The shepherds journeyed long to Bethlehem to ‘see this thing that has come to pass’ (Luke 2:15). The setting of the first Christmas seemed to simmer with silent inaction and similar starry sights in the sky on that cold night.

The shepherds journeyed long to Bethlehem to ‘see this thing that has come to pass’ (Luke 2:15). The setting of the first Christmas seemed to simmer with silent inaction and similar starry sights in the sky on that cold night.
Is theological training inherently anti-God? Do religious leaders need certificates and degrees before they lead churches? Is spirituality anti-intellect? Does the Spirit of God replace proper theological training?
Shame and blame, dread and doubt, hang on Adam as a weighty stone on a suspended thread. His sin has found him out, and with it comes inner condemnation, a testament to a broken relationship and a betrayal of trust.
Presbyter Arius pondered through his platonic philosophical sieve: ‘If He is begotten,’ he mused; ‘then He has a beginning. And if He has a beginning, surely He is not truly God.’
Who is Man? What’s his nature? Is he primarily a spirit who has a soul living in a body or is he a living soul? Is he merely material or more?
In His famous Sermon on the Mount recorded in Matthew chapter six, Christ categorically surmised that where a man’s treasure is, there also shall be his heart.
Tertullian, that great Church Father from North Africa once remarked that the blood of Christians is the seed (for the Church), for ‘the oftener we are mown down by you, the more in number we grow.’ He crafted his work Apology as a response to the calamitous persecutions of Christians by the Roman empire.
William Farrell in his book The Myth of Male Power surveys how the often decried ‘Patriarchal’ system was harder on the man than is commonly acknowledged. He speaks of how men in history have been the dispensable sex, expected to do the most menial works in the harshest of realities, even to the detriment of their health or death, and often not respected or recognized for doing so.
… How Dishonoring the Sabbath Leads to the Disintegration of Society
There is no salvation for Man apart from the grace of God in Christ. The Bible affirms that it is ‘by grace you have been saved through faith’ (Eph. 2:8). Salvation by grace through faith is what separates Christianity from other religions in the world which are works-based.
The law of the Lord is perfect, restoring the soul. These are the sweet and reassuring words of the Psalmist (Ps 19:7). They are statements of a man who had tasted and seen the goodness of the Lord, a man who had rejoiced in the supreme sufficiency of the sovereign God.