When Paul writes in 2 Cor. 1:20 that ‘all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen to the glory of God through us,’ he is not referring to what we ask for.

When Paul writes in 2 Cor. 1:20 that ‘all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen to the glory of God through us,’ he is not referring to what we ask for.
Truth is freeing, but also frightening. In an age of political correctness, it is more appealing and deceptively rewarding to merely let truth slide under the rug, wear a smile on the street than invite conflict to your corner. The consequences of neglecting reality vary, from temporal to eternal.
One of the most formative theological books I ever read is Luther’s De Servo Arbitrio or merely The Bondage of the Will. You may accuse Luther of barbaric arrogance, to which he would humbly admit, but you cannot fail to concede to the forcefulness of the argument he makes in this masterpiece.
This last Sunday, while preaching on 1 John 2:3-14, Pastor Bobby (of North Shore Community Baptist Church in Beverly South Hamilton MA) hinted on how Christianity (and the gospel) does not offer us just another item to add to the list of activities we already have. He mentioned that for most people, the invitation to a personal relationship with God looks just like that, an additional item on their ‘to-do-list.’
A reader of my blog asked me to do a simple write-up about deliverance. Not that this topic is so simple as to be exhausted in a couple of words, for ‘deliverance’ can mean different things depending on who uses it and how.
It is often said, and more rightly so that those who don’t know history are poised to repeat it. Often, the problems we struggle with today have been before, and we grow in wisdom by looking back at how our forefathers resolved them. The theological and ecclesiastical problems the modern church faces today are not new, as we will see.
In Part 1 of these series, I introduced IYF with a brief survey of their practices and teachings. I hoped to delve deeper into their mind control propaganda as narrated by those who attended IYF’s camps.
The International Youth Fellowship (IYF), is an organization founded by Ock Soo Park in 1995, in South Korea, with the aim of taking ‘full charge of problems of the youth.’ According to their official website iyf.org, its roots go back to the July 1995’s ‘first South Korea-U.S Combined Youth Camp.’
Relativism always begins with an appearance of wisdom. ‘Has God indeed said?’ (Gen 3:1). Relativism is the craftiest demonstration of folly. It questions the absolute truth of God, thereby relativizing His absolute decrees. ‘Has God said?’ is another way of saying, subtly ‘that is God’s opinion, I have my own which differs from His, and you know what; so, should you too!’
A brother, who reads my blog from Tanzania wrote to me asking about the uniqueness of Jesus when contrasted with every other religious figure, and why He is worthy to be followed. In response I have thought right to write a series of articles addressing this question. I hope this proves helpful for many. These articles will not be exhaustive, but in them I hope to will stir up serious thought, that culminates in a personal relationship with Christ as Lord and Savior.