Ron Highfield in his rather great book Great Is the Lord mentions that ‘(God’s) uniqueness is personal and incommunicable.’ He also says that ‘the biblical declaration of God’s uniqueness does not speak merely of divine nature.’

Ron Highfield in his rather great book Great Is the Lord mentions that ‘(God’s) uniqueness is personal and incommunicable.’ He also says that ‘the biblical declaration of God’s uniqueness does not speak merely of divine nature.’
Today, during the class break of Systematic Theology One, I had a short conversation with a fellow seminary student about the doctrine of Inseparable operations. The main idea this teaching conveys is that in every action God does in the world, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit act inseparably, and indivisibly.
As I do the required reading for my courses, I often encounter golden nuggets that force me to stop my reading, ponder, and at times dance inwardly. Then I rejoice and mutter a few words of wonder and doxology.
At the core, man is religious. To think of any man who is not religious in the sense that he does not worship is as absurd as trying to think of a non-thinking man. To be human is to automatically think, for not think is unthinkable. And as thinking is basic to humanity, so is worshiping. Every man is a worshiper. The question is who or what they are worshiping. God? A tree? Science? Reason?
Brother Habakkuk is a tired man. He ministers during the ‘death throes’ of the nation of Judah that has repeatedly refused to repent. He has lived righteously and sought to engage his generation with God’s message but seems to see no fruit. He is weary, frustrated, and discouraged. So Habakkuk decides to ask God questions, in chapter 1, many questions which really are one: why is God silent when the wicked devour the righteous? (1:2,13). Why?
Ancient architecture and buildings have a way of communicating beauty to me, transporting me from the material world, to somewhere beyond the X-Y-Z planes. These sorts of structures are rare today, and more so in such a country like Uganda.
The sweet assurance of God’s superintendence and sovereignty over all affairs of the world is peace to those who trust in Him. The world with all its brokenness can be a source of despair for those whose heart is not rested in the knowledge that God is good, even in my suffering.
If we would but catch a glimpse into the minds of many believers in Kampala and its surrounding areas, we would meet with confusion, stirred up by the apparent burning of bibles by Pastor Aloysius Bugingo of House of Prayer Ministries, Bwaise, Kampala. … Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost?
For the Lord knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the ungodly shall perish. Psalm 1:6
There is a certainty with which the judgement of the wicked is fixed. Those who have found refuge in Christ should be aware of this, lest they fret and are anxious when they see the wicked prosper in their schemes.
I lay down and slept; I awoke, for the Lord sustained me. Psalm 3:5
Many of us are not daily grateful for the things we have in life. We awake daily, go about our business, breathe and bathe with no acknowledgement whatsoever of the Lord who sustains us.