God as The Essence of Existence

This last Sunday, while preaching on 1 John 2:3-14, Pastor Bobby (of North Shore Community Baptist Church in Beverly South Hamilton MA) hinted on how Christianity (and the gospel) does not offer us just another item to add to the list of activities we already have. He mentioned that for most people, the invitation to a personal relationship with God looks just like that, an additional item on their ‘to-do-list.’

God as The Essence of Existence

Why Uganda Needs the Reformation

This year the evangelical community celebrates 500 years of the reformation, since Luther nailed the 95 Theses on the door of Wittenberg, protesting against doctrinal and moral corruption in Vatican. Although Luther never intended his invitation to the students to discuss the questions he had raised in his Theses to be divisive; this is what nonetheless happened, courtesy of the newly invented printing press in Germany.

Why Uganda Needs the Reformation