Lord, make me gladly trust in Thee
That I may be pleased thy face to see
Turn my eyes so bent to me
Fixated on Thee they’re meant to be
A Tale of Two Ways to a Reward
We are all reward seekers at the core. We all seek attention. The difference lies in where we look for these two. As we craft our Facebook updates, we sometimes have the ‘like’ button in mind. We catch ourselves looking at the number of YouTube views to validate our worth.
Sin’s Relational Destruction, and the Gospel’s Restoration
Imagine an automobile, with all of its principal parts masterfully assembled by the mechanic. Every piece of metal or material comes together, affecting another, and with none doing the work of the other.
… Sin’s Relational Destruction, and the Gospel’s Restoration
Open Your Bible, Close Your Prophets
When Paul pens his last words for his spiritual son Timothy, he commends Timothy’s consistent study of the Holy Scriptures.
On the Creature called Man 1
Who is Man? What’s his nature? Is he primarily a spirit who has a soul living in a body or is he a living soul? Is he merely material or more?
Casualties of a Stray Bullet: Caught in between Conflict
Uganda is bleeding. Uganda is beautiful. And it is painful to watch the beautiful bleed. It is sad to see a blessed nation damaged. The events in Bugiri, Arua, and Kampala point to the obvious but often forgotten pronouncement on humanity: the heart of man is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked.
The Trinity and Our Salvation
You may have heard it said that Presbyterians emphasize the Father, Baptists the Son, and Pentecostals the Spirit. As I leave you to judge the truthfulness of this assertion, may we consider our salvation in light of the Trinitarian revelation.
Should Christians Confess their Sin?
Do Christians sin or do they merely make mistakes? If they sin, should they confess their trespasses to God or should they only ‘declare their righteousness’ with no remorse and contrition?
The Key to Daily Rejoicing
Media can be full of sad stories. Unintentionally I suppose. In these recent days, Ugandans have been frustrated by the OTT tax, Mobile Money tax, inflation, increasing dollar rates and fuel prices, as well as the failings of crops in certain parts of the country due to the scorching sun.
When the Rich tax the Poor
As I think about what is going on in Uganda with this social media and Mobile Money taxes, I am reminded of Nathan’s parable to David after the latter’s wicked acts in 2 Samuel 12.