Have you heard? Have you seen?
In the silent night, when there is no light
The King sleeps, while heaven sings
Our Maker is in a Manger
Love has made His home with us

Have you heard? Have you seen?
In the silent night, when there is no light
The King sleeps, while heaven sings
Our Maker is in a Manger
Love has made His home with us
Presbyter Arius pondered through his platonic philosophical sieve: ‘If He is begotten,’ he mused; ‘then He has a beginning. And if He has a beginning, surely He is not truly God.’
Imagine an automobile, with all of its principal parts masterfully assembled by the mechanic. Every piece of metal or material comes together, affecting another, and with none doing the work of the other.
… Sin’s Relational Destruction, and the Gospel’s Restoration
When Paul pens his last words for his spiritual son Timothy, he commends Timothy’s consistent study of the Holy Scriptures.
There is no salvation for Man apart from the grace of God in Christ. The Bible affirms that it is ‘by grace you have been saved through faith’ (Eph. 2:8). Salvation by grace through faith is what separates Christianity from other religions in the world which are works-based.
Picture the Judgment Seat of Christ on the Last Day. Multitudes throng the throne of God and verdicts are being read. You are approaching, but before you reach the Judge, you hear a plea filled with deep anguish along the lines of: ‘…but Lord, I responded to an altar call. I said the sinners’ prayer and the preacher told me that I was saved…’
One benefit of learning biblical languages is that you get to read the Bible in the dialect it was written. This can be quite a remarkable experience as you capture those nuances that are hard to translate. But also, the joy that comes with discovering clarity of the text in the original language where the translated passage is not so clear is enormous.
I hope this is a convenient time to have a chat, to have a conversation that matters. I have earnestly followed the discussion on social media and watched your excitement about the ‘Men of God’ in town. I understand. I too have some people whose teachings excite me. After all, we were created for praise and made for worship.
When I read Genesis 22, I am amazed at Abraham’s obedience. It seems like God just tells him to sacrifice Isaac in verse 2, and in verse 3 he is saddling his donkey with wood going! But is it as simple as it looks? I think we may have to scratch the surface and ask questions of the text.
When Paul writes in 2 Cor. 1:20 that ‘all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen to the glory of God through us,’ he is not referring to what we ask for.