A firm fortress is the Lord to those who trust Him,
Repelling the enemies’ darts against the defenceless
With joy, God fills the hearts of the poor to the brim
And those that humanity rejected He does bless … A Firm Fortress is the Lord

A firm fortress is the Lord to those who trust Him,
Repelling the enemies’ darts against the defenceless
With joy, God fills the hearts of the poor to the brim
And those that humanity rejected He does bless … A Firm Fortress is the Lord
If God bore your sin to the tree
Then, brother, you are truly free
If Christ carried your curse to the cross
Then, sister, you are forever reconciled
Have you heard? Have you seen?
In the silent night, when there is no light
The King sleeps, while heaven sings
Our Maker is in a Manger
Love has made His home with us
Lord, make me gladly trust in Thee
That I may be pleased thy face to see
Turn my eyes so bent to me
Fixated on Thee they’re meant to be
He came, He who eternally has been
The Maker of the visible and invisible
On earth He always was, yet unseen
And now God as Man is touchable
Man, here am I!
But from whence, and what am I?
A mere speck of dust, a figment of mind?
A mindless mixture of mind and matter
Am I pure mind or pure matter?
If I am pure matter, does it matter?
And if a pure mind, must I never mind?
Amidst the daily noise around me, You speak
With a forceful nudge my hardened walls You breach
Recoiled into my dead heart You find me
Insistent on my idolatry You still reach me