There is a particular unhealthy understanding of the Law of God spreading on the wings of the current gnostic movements in Uganda, finding many fertile soils among the youth.
So, Where is Your Treasure?
In His famous Sermon on the Mount recorded in Matthew chapter six, Christ categorically surmised that where a man’s treasure is, there also shall be his heart.
Uganda Martyrs, the Church, and the State
Tertullian, that great Church Father from North Africa once remarked that the blood of Christians is the seed (for the Church), for ‘the oftener we are mown down by you, the more in number we grow.’ He crafted his work Apology as a response to the calamitous persecutions of Christians by the Roman empire.
How Dishonoring the Sabbath Leads to the Disintegration of Society
William Farrell in his book The Myth of Male Power surveys how the often decried ‘Patriarchal’ system was harder on the man than is commonly acknowledged. He speaks of how men in history have been the dispensable sex, expected to do the most menial works in the harshest of realities, even to the detriment of their health or death, and often not respected or recognized for doing so.
… How Dishonoring the Sabbath Leads to the Disintegration of Society
The Grace of God and the Salvation of Man
There is no salvation for Man apart from the grace of God in Christ. The Bible affirms that it is ‘by grace you have been saved through faith’ (Eph. 2:8). Salvation by grace through faith is what separates Christianity from other religions in the world which are works-based.
Authentic Prophets to a Fallen World
The Church of Christ right from the start has always swum against the prevailing cultural tides. Her Foundation (Christ) was crucified by the powers that were, for contravening their sinful social-economic and political substructures. He too swam against the tide, as the Prophet like Moses and the end to which all authentic prophets pointed.
Six Errors of the Phaneroo Movement
John Calvin, the great French-Swiss Reformer, states in his Institutes of Christian Religion that ‘Our wisdom if it is to be thought genuine, consists almost entirely of two parts: the knowledge of God and ourselves.’
But Lord, I Responded to an Altar Call
Picture the Judgment Seat of Christ on the Last Day. Multitudes throng the throne of God and verdicts are being read. You are approaching, but before you reach the Judge, you hear a plea filled with deep anguish along the lines of: ‘…but Lord, I responded to an altar call. I said the sinners’ prayer and the preacher told me that I was saved…’
He Came, He Died, He Rose
He came, He who eternally has been
The Maker of the visible and invisible
On earth He always was, yet unseen
And now God as Man is touchable
Remnant or Liar?
There is a picture on social media currently causing a spectacle in which a particular well clad ‘Remnant Prophet’ mimics the ‘Triumphal Entry’ with his followers laying down palm branches. It seems like the picture is from his last year’s visit to Angola.